Monday, April 21, 2008

More Okinawa Missions Trip Stories

Here's another picture of Josh and some school boys. Josh had just done the Curved Illusions tract and one of the boys after Josh was done grabbed him and hugged him! It surprised Josh as typically Okinawan people are very shy and not huggy or anything. So it really took him by surprise. We were cracking up! They all were excited to receive the tracts and the "suteki manga" (This Is Your Life-Chick tract). Pray for these boys as you look at their faces. We don't know what happens to the hundreds of seeds that were spread in Okinawa, but we do know we worship and serve a Great and Mighty God Who has the power to save to the uttermost! May He be glorified and may the Okinawan people bow before the mighty name of Jesus!

Sola Scriptura: The Scripture Alone is the Standard
Soli Deo Gloria: For the Glory of God Alone
Solo Christo: By Christ's Work Alone are We Saved
Sola Gratia: Salvation by Grace Alone
Sola Fide: Justification by Faith Alone

"There are many who preach Christ, but not so many who live Christ. My great aim will be to live Christ" -Robert Chapman