In a day and age when you can't tell the difference between under garments and swimsuits, it's sure nice to know there are others out there helping us to keep our daughters covered and modest and still have swimwear! I went on an internet hunt to find such a place and we found Julie's swimsuits to be exactly what we were desiring. Meant To Be Modest is Julie's website where you can order a custom made swimsuit that is beautiful enough to wear the the grocery store and the girls said as they swam today the suits were incredibly comfortable and so much fun to swim in. For us modesty has become an important lesson we teach our daughters and our sons. Here's a great definition of "modesty" from Noah Webster himself found on Julie's
"Modesty ~
…synonymous with
chastity, or purity of manners. In this sense, modesty results from purity of
mind, or from the fear of disgrace…unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence, the richest gem in the diadem of their honor.
Noah Webster
1828 American
Dictionary of the English Language
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